“You don’t need a big budget”- Adelowo Shokunbi

The mastermind of JuniorSportEvents, Adelowo Shokunbi, speaks to Lashey about his love and passion for sports.

For how long have you been involved in sports activities?

I’ve been participating in sports since I was 5.But I started sports management when I was 15. 

Beyond your brand, who are you?

 Beyond sports, I’m a happy person. 

At what point did you decide to take your love into something very serious?

The only way athletes benefit the full potential of sports is when there is proper management. 

So instead of trying to be an athlete without a platform. I thought to myself why can I be a part of building that platform for the future generations. 

Did you experience any form of cold feet at the initial stage?

Definitely. Big dreams always sound crazy until it is done.  

But I was way too positive of a person to let those comments get to me. 

How were you able to overcome it?

I know the Vision I see. So it keeps me going each and every day. 

Who is your targeted audience?

Athletes of any age in all sports. 

Sport is like relegated to the back in this age, how do you intend to change the narrative?

By starting again from the foundation. Which is getting the Management of Sports. 

You have won different awards and being able to stay significant. How were you able to achieve this?

I don’t work for the awards. As a matter of fact I never knew there were recognitions for people involved in sports management.  

I just worked in line with the Company’s vision 

What’s your greatest entrepreneurial achievement to be proud of?

Making the first move to bringing Junior Sports Management from just thoughts to reality. 

   Your definition of success?

Putting your best effort in what you do (Especially what you love) and actually seeing yields. 

What do you consider to be your weakness?

Knowing I can never fail. 

 How do you hunt for talent in order to build an effective working team to achieve great results?

To build a team. We don’t need talents. 

At least for the nature of this company. 

We just need passion and discipline. 

At the same time not all that glitters is gold. But you never know which until you try. 

So getting into the team is easy. 

At the same time being excluded from the time is also very easy. 

Mention entrepreneurs who have been of great importance to you?

 Gary Vay- Ner – Chuk ( CEO Vayner Media & Vayner Sports )

Adebowale Shokunbi ( CEO Le Shoks / Fashion Designer / Stylist )

 Fiyin Gambo ( CEO Cliq Media / Film Maker / Movie director ) 

Ayotunde Bello ( CEO Blue Scribes Media ) 

Onyinyechi Anozie ( Fashion / Lifestyle and Skincare Blogger 

Ogeawuchi Jeffrey ( CEO Truth Global / Fashion)

How do you structure your time being a student?

When you truly want something you go out of your way and also make sacrifices to get it done.  

Especially when you work with a great team that shares the same vision.

  How do you get out of frustration and stress?

There is really no frustration that comes with this cause we are not competiting with anyone but rather challenging ourselves to set the pace. 

Stress is natural. Nothing good comes easy. 

But when you’re purpose driven. Stress automatically doesn’t count as priority. 

Talk less of when what you do also counts as fun. 

Final address

We should learn to understand ourselves before trying to choose a career path. 

Because in all happiness is the key. 

Also be very diligent, passionate and consistent. Those are the major qualities that set a pace for you above others. 

And for those young ones with big ideas and dreams. Start taking steps to bringing that to a reality. 

At this young age, it’s a time to make decisions and learn to accept turn downs, failures and also see what works best. 

You don’t need a big budget. You don’t need support from everyone. You don’t a large office desk. Start something related to it no matter how small and see how you grow quickly.

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