What Really Is Worship?


Why do we have to wait for a church environment before we can communicate with our father?

My walk with God has been very shaky since I left school; where there are church activities and Godly people to put you in check. It’s amazing that when you are all alone, your spiritual walk with the father is questioned.


The Holy Spirit spoke to me, he brought the scripture to mind:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)”

2 Corinthians 10:3‭-‬4 KJV

He reiterated it so that it sunk to my brain. This world is more that bread and butter, or over sleeping your prayer time, there is more to life than this.  If you still need a pastor to put you in check your better have a rethink. Go back to Christ, create a relationship with him that can withstand a busy schedule and a rosy life as vanity upon vanity all is vanity.

He also brought to my knowledge the fact that many come to church but do not know him. Devil is distracting many from the truth of God’s word and assignment.



The veil has been torn you no longer need to have a setting of worship before you worship. John 4:21 we now live to worship no particular setting is required. The trinity resides inside of us.

When we gather together in church it shouldn’t be to take us into the mood of worship but rather our lives should worship God daily.

We need that when we gather its fire igniting and not just a start up of fire.

The access you have to the father is very much like the access your spiritual leader has.  Engage God, there is more to receive from him than every Sunday blessing.

I need people who will build up their secret place and press in for children of God.


0 thoughts on “What Really Is Worship?”

  1. This is a word in season for me…. believe me. We’ve been having these series on the leading of the Holy Spirit in church and this just puts the icing on the cake.
    God bless you!

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