Hi guys, I guess I am back after a long break I gave myself coupled with the fact that school was actually really hectic. I finished my final paper for my undergraduate studies last week on Wednesday. Yea, you can call me LL.B (LOL).

But honestly, it was all shades of stressful. I was scared but ensured not to give into fears. I had to do away with every distraction to make the very last worth it.
Results would be out soon and I can only pray for the best. Until then let’s keep our fingers crossed.

- Maybe legs crossed😜😜
Yea, so I have been having difficulties in structuring my blog. Remember the post of Clarity comes by engaging, I think I am just becoming confused about what I am doing. Trying to carve out a niche for the blog is very tasking but I am on it. But till I finally figure it out why don’t I continue from the known then gradually move to the unknown.

Do you ever feel at the crossroad? like you are moving yet not really moving?
No pressure, we are all in a well of discovery, trying to understand and discover ourselves.