happy new year

Happy new year

Happy New year!!!

The last post was in the middle of November, No genuine excuse. But I was at that season where I did not feel like doing anything. I didn’t even open my blog or my laptop. A friend had encouraged me to write after a week, I did try but there was nothing. Eventually, I was able to do some writings.

Also, I have had to deal with my wandering mind. Focusing on a particular thing has been a tug of war. I wanted my mind to be bare without any thought. Lost in myself and being able to actually hear my mind speak to me.  I discarded all my routines and was just going with the flow of each day. These things happen sometimes. I am fine now.

Or so I thought not until this year started with its own ‘bad’ news. I had a different thing outlined to post but I had to discard it.

Death is just something no one sees coming sometimes. It is inevitable and a mysterious thing I am yet to find words to describe it. Life literally just moves on. It doesn’t even wait for you to be better. Life is fluid.

If I wait till I am fine to post, it would not come anytime soon.

Here is a half-baked post, just wishing you a happy new year.


Letters to God: Dear God, READ ALSO.

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