‘Work hard in silence let success be your noise’. Our Woman Crush, today, can be described as “one with the Midas Touch’ as every face she touch come alive more than ever. She is a graduate of law, Babcock University also a makeup and beauty enthusiast. Read up a very insightful interview I had with her.
My ability to think outside the box.
What fascinates you about this line of work?
The reactions I get when these ladies see their transformations. Their smiles are highly rewarding.
Did you go through any form of formal training?
I’ve been asked these questions so many times. No, I haven’t received any formal training yet. Learnt most of my makeup skills from YouTube and practice but I do intend to
Imagine a customer asked you for a makeup that was not suitable for them. How do you handle it?
This usually happens all the time. I use visual representation to help so I show them a picture or video of what they may want, so the customer could see that it might not suit their face.
Then I proceed to suggest a more suitable pallet, tone or look for them.
A client is not happy with her makeup look. How do you respond?
This part I totally dislike but the best thing to do here would be to not stop until the client is totally satisfied.
I might change up a few things, probably a different lip colour maybe.
What in your opinion is the most important quality in a makeup artist?
Patience and Attention to details.
What in your opinion is the most important quality in a makeup artist?
The creative aspect. The looks, the colour, and the products I get to create with.
How do you keep up with all the trends and styles?
Oh my Gosh. Constant social media. I follow blogs, channels, Instagram pages. I look at product reviews to see what new products are on the market.
How would you describe your first work?
Lol Horrible
Who are your role models?
In the makeup world. It’s Ronke Raji
What principles do you follow to build successful customer relations?
The number one principle that has guided my customer relationship is to take time out to study and understand the needs of my clients. Paying attention to details.
What are your tips for maintaining a youthful appearance?
Ohh this is easy. LESS IS MORE.
A common mistake you see women make on their makeup?
Wrong Shades. Most women don’t take time out to find out their correct shades of products e.g powder, foundations, etc and as a result, the end results are often unappealing.
Some of your favorites make up brands?
Milani, Maybelline, and MAC.
What three makeup items should no lady leave home without?
Translucent Lipgloss, Facial Absorbent Paper (a better alternative to getting rid of sweat on the face) and lastly, a good pocket powder.
The most challenging part of your job?
Women come in different personalities. A successful session in spite of these is a challenge sometimes.
Final address.
Thank you for having me. It’s an honor to share my insight through your platform, you are doing amazing work here and to all the readers all I have to say is “choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”.

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