I have been MIA for a while due to some technical issues. It was a back and forth with my blog being resorted.

Meanwhile, I have been thinking of a comeback post but all my draft posts do not fit into the current reality before us.  An epidemic that no one planned for came and disrupted everything human thought we had in control. 


Lagos before the social distancing

Coronavirus came late 2019 but this part of the world was a little less or not affected at all.  We took that King period for granted. The fast spread of the virus in other continents was just another ’eyha’ situation for us here.

For four months, we lived our lives with a little less worry of the unknown that was pretty close to us but paid no caution to. 

Finally, this epidemic finds its way to our lives without having prepared for it, despite its several warnings. 

Measures are now being put in place.

The reality of its existence has finally dawned on us.

There are fear, panic, uncertainties and all it’s an accomplice in the mind of most Nigerians. Encouragement and hope are what some people are trying to do. The painful occurrence of Ebola that year makes a whole lot of people paranoid as it relates to the present. 

 In as much as there has been scientific explanation to all of this, it does not preclude the fact that it is also spiritual as much as physical. God help us on this earth. 

After the news that two other people apart from the Italian man had the virus, fear beamed. The whole thing became so surreal, it now felt so closer than just reading it. Much more than fear that day, I was so angry and irritated as it was something we (Nigeria) could have avoided and prepared for earlier.

This is a story of “Had I known”, borders would have been closed earlier, citizens would have been educated more on this epidemic considering the rate of illiterate we have amidst us. Had our leaders known, maybe they would have prepared better? and not take time for granted.

With a lot of information coming in now, gatherings being closed, the fear and panic have increased. People have run out of things to think about and everyone is just being paranoid and trying to distract themselves from the imminent fear that this thing has brought on us.

Few things I would like us to do:

        Spend more time on the word that edifies our soul rather than one that feeds our fear.

Therefore, flowing from what @Ogbenidipo  understanding the panic that this information brought on so many used his twitter to put out scriptures and songs that would strengthen his followers. Following his path, I have decided to put out scriptures that can see us through this period in addition to the precautionary measures that have been circulated around. Few bible verses that you can use:

  • Psalms 23:4 NLT “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 


I’d advise that since you know the basic precautions rather than feed your mind with news that will increase your fear. Make good use of this unplanned break we are all forced to have. Finish that course you said you were going to take this year. Read for that exam you are having soonest. If you must read about it, make sure it is from a credible website such as

Finally, Ladies and Gents, whatsoever things are true and will help your keep your sanity and help boost your productivity, these things should you think on.

Enjoy your holiday!!

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