A few weeks back, I started a series on Body image and how to deal with it. However, due to the #endsars protest, the series was put on hold.

Thankfully we are back. This time with an interview with a Body image coach who shares her journey on loving herself and how she dealt with her body image issues.

Wendy is a weight-loss consultant who through her journey inspires others that they can live a healthy life without having to stop eating their favourite dishes.

Body image and weight loss coach


What’s your earliest memory of hateful things being said about your body? And how old were you?

I know I’ve been body shamed since Js At least that’s how far I remember and I was 11 then. However, the words I remember vividly was when I was in Js 3 and I had an argument with someone and she called me Amoeba. I spoke to my crush then about it and he told me that he thinks I actually need to work on my stomach.

What effect does that experience have on you today?

I still have low self-esteem. I’m extremely shy because I always feel like people are looking at my stomach and I have social anxiety because I’d rather be at home in my big clothes than go out and have people constantly scrutinize my body (or so I think).

When did you decide you owed yourself better?

I think it was November last year. I was in a situationship and the person I had something going on with just randomly ended things reason being that they weren’t mentally ready for a relationship and not up to a week after the breakup, the person was in another relationship.
I kept on looking at the new girl’s body and I was so sure that was the reason I lost my relationship because I had gained a lot of weight because I was depressed.
I spoke to a therapist and the person told me to try losing weight and see if that helps me heal from all the hurt I had buried in me.

Interview with Wendy

On a scale of 1-10, how scary was it putting yourself out there?
It is definitely 10. I’m still scared because I don’t want my parents to see the stories and feel like they failed me.

Why did you put yourself out there?

I did that for a lot of reasons but it was majorly because I wanted to talk to people about God and the awesomeness that comes with serving him.
Secondly, I needed people to be more aware of other people’s mental health especially the people around you.
A lot of people know how to mask their sadness.
I mean I was partying, going for events etc. I looked like I had it all figured out but it really wasn’t the case.

What’s the one thing you say to yourself as a reminder anytime you feel like your body isn’t good enough?

First of all, My God is a God of Perfection.
I remind myself of where I’m coming from. I mean how big I was and the fact that if I want my body to look a certain way, it actually lies in my hands because I know exactly what to do.

If you could say one thing to someone struggling with accepting their body, what would it be?

You are enough.
Regardless of what anyone else says, you are enough.
You did not create yourself and the one who created you does not make mistakes.

What is your now perception of body image?
  Your body is what you say it is. If you don’t love yourself now, you won’t love yourself when your body weight changes. It all starts with a mentality check. Teach yourself to know that you’re beautiful regardless of what anybody says or thinks.

What roles did family and friend play in your self-esteem?

Well, some tried to help me work on it while some contributed to dragging it down. However, I’ve come to understand that most people don’t know what exactly qualifies as body shaming.
With your knowledge now, what do you think you’d have done differently as regards your body image?
 I’d have probably started working on myself (physically and mentally)a long time ago.

Your overall goal with your Stay fit with Wendy?

Well, apart from teaching people how to lose weight without thinking of the process as a punishment, I’m looking at expanding it soon by God’s Grace but we’d see how that goes.
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