Emergency: A Song about stolen waters

In this crowd, the icebreaker was for people to state their current favorite Gaisebaba songs. To my surprise about 80% of the room chose Emergency.  Though it’s undoubtedly an instructive track, I would not have pegged it to be the crowd’s favorite. Consequently, in that moment, I realized I had underestimated the song’s reach and relevance.

Emergency had been echoing in my heart that season. Even more, one particular line kept resurfacing in my thoughts, nudging me toward meditation and reflection.

“Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!” Proverb 9:17

These words struck a chord because, as a single Christian, it’s easy to overlook that our bodies have natural desires—real, persistent, and demanding. However, while acknowledging these desires are important, the greater challenge lies in aligning them with God’s word.

Unfortunately, in today’s culture, what was once considered ‘stolen water’ is no longer hidden. People openly embrace, celebrate, and even normalize it within Christian spaces. The accountability once upheld within the body of Christ has weakened, making it harder to stand apart. Yet, as Hebrews 13:4 reminds us, Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure.”

The Subtle Drift

Indeed, temptation rarely arrives with fanfare. It creeps in quietly, disguised as harmless thoughts or innocent actions. For me, it began with small allowances—letting my guard down in ways I never thought I would. At first, I dismissed these moments, but soon, they became a slippery slope.

Gaise Baba’s Emergency became my wake-up call.

This is an Emergency

Mo b’ese mi soro, speedily (I speak to my legs, speedily)

I’ll be foolish to think I can handle it

Blood dey my body oh

The lyrics hit me like a jolt of electricity. They weren’t just words; they were a mirror reflecting my inner struggle. Something a friend once said about remaining chaste: “It’s a lifestyle.” That statement stayed with me. You don’t “arrive” at a point where temptation ceases to exist. It’s foolishness to assume you can place yourself in compromising situations and come out unscathed. It is foolishness to think because you work in the supernatural, automatically, all your ‘natural senses’ have been disarmed. Blood still runs through your veins.

Structures and Safeguards

Similarly, I realized how many great men and women of God have had their ministries derailed by sexual sin. Stories of pastors, leaders, and even revered women of God abandoning their callings for fleeting moments of passion shook me.

God forbid sexual sins draw me away from all that God can do through my life. I realized then that avoiding such pitfalls isn’t just about forbidding sin—it’s about setting and maintaining structures to guard against it.

I’ve always been known for my rigidity when it comes to interactions with the opposite sex. But somewhere along the line, I let pride creep in. Maybe I thought I had matured spiritually enough to handle temptation. But the truth is, none of us outgrows the need for boundaries.

Thank God for the Holy Spirit. Consequently, I was cautioned before I drifted too far. I learned that fleeing temptation isn’t a one-time event; it’s a lifelong commitment. You flee today, tomorrow, and every day until the day you’re joined with your partner and even thereafter. It’s not about being rigid for the sake of it—it’s about honoring God with your body.


A Lifestyle of Honor

In a world where sexual immorality is mainstream and even glorified, it’s easy to forget what we stand for as believers. But as Emergency so powerfully reminds us:

No go dey think you can handle it

Isan lo pa Bruce Lee oh (Muscles killed Bruce Lee oh)

The stakes are high. Giving in doesn’t just dishonor God—it can derail your destiny. I’m reminded of why I choose this path: to honor the One who made me, beyond avoiding sin for fear of consequences.

Therefore, I’ve committed to a lifestyle of honor, not just for a season but for a lifetime. It’s a conscious decision to flee from stolen water, no matter how sweet it seems.

My body will honor the Lord. My choices will honor the Lord. Because beyond the sweetness of stolen water lies bitterness I never want to taste.

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